Portrait of Micky Yip

Micky Yip


認許年份: 2011 (香港)


Micky joined Pacific Chambers in 2011 and has developed his practice in both civil and criminal litigation and alternative dispute resolution.

His area of expertise in civil practice includes maritime, shipping and aviation disputes, commercial contract disputes, company disputes, personal injury disputes, money lending disputes, personal data privacy, probate practice, defamation, legal aid appeals, land and adverse possession disputes and cases involving the Building Management Ordinance.

In relation to his criminal practice, he has defended in trial hearings, made pleas of mitigation, bail applications and stay applications. He is presently serving as a Counsel-on-fiat and has extensive experience prosecuting in Magistracies.

He also has the experience of conducting death inquests at the Coroner’s Court, including examining medical/expert witnesses and interested persons and answering coroner’s queries.

He also had extensive opportunities working with his pupil masters in admiralty related litigation, including ship arrests and collision, company related cases such as share capital reduction, commercial crime and SFC related cases.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Micky has attended various seminars and training in Mediation and Arbitration offered by the Hong Kong Academy of Law, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators. It is also his intention to expand his practice in the field of Mediation and Arbitration.

As a HKMAAL accredited general mediator, he has ample experience in conducting mediation as both a mediator and legal advisor. He has mediated numerous cases involving a variety of areas of law, including land, including landlords and tenants, vendor and purchaser, water seepage disputes, adverse possession of land, building management applications and incorporated owners; tort, including personal injuries, nuisance, defamation, medical negligence and professional negligence; shipping, aviation and logistics, including bill of lading, charterparties, bunker and dangerous goods disputes, passenger claims, supply chain and warehouse disputes and freight forwarding; company, including shareholders disputes, directors’ duties, startups, insolvency; commercial, including sale of goods, services not provided, loan disputes and bankruptcy; probate; and
Intellectual property.

In total, he has mediated, advised and attended more than 100 mediation cases.

He has accepted and welcomes mediation and arbitration appointments overseas and in Mainland China.


  • HKSAR Registration of Persons Tribunal: 2016 to present
  • Housing Appeal Board: 2017 to present
  • Bedspace Apartments Appeal Board: 2018 to present
  • Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation Appeal Board: 2018 to present
  • Clubs (Safety of Premises) Appeal Board: 2018 to present
  • Administrative Appeals Board: 2018 to present


  • HKMAAL Accredited General Mediator
  • Registered Foreign Lawyer of Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC)


  • Annotator of ‘Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Cap 226)’ of The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (LexisNexis Butterworths 2020)
  • Book Chapters on ‘Ch 9 – Collision Claims’, ‘Ch 13 – Marine Pollution’ and ‘Ch 14 – Carriage of Passengers and Luggage’ in Mr Justice Barma JA, Robert Merkin QC and Kyriaki Noussia (eds), Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong (2nd Edn) (Sweet & Maxwell 2019)
  • Co-authored, Butterworths Hong Kong Criminal Law and Procedure Handbook (2nd Edn) (LexisNexis Butterworths 2019)
  • Annotator of ‘Prevention of Child Pornography Ordinance (Cap 579)’ of The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (LexisNexis Butterworths 2019)
  • Annotator of ‘Civil Aviation Ordinance (Cap 448)’ of The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (LexisNexis Butterworths 2019)
  • Book Chapters on ‘Ch 9 – Collision Claims’, ‘Ch 13 – Marine Pollution’ and ‘Ch 14 – Carriage of Passengers and Luggage’ in Mr Justice Barma JA and Mary Thomson (eds), Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong (Sweet & Maxwell 2015)


  • Master of Science in International Shipping and Transport Logistics (Distinction)
  • Master of Laws (Maritime and Transportation Law)(Distinction)
  • U.S. Law exchange program, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
  • CIArb (East Asia Branch) Arbitration Training - ACIArb and MCIArb
  • Mediation Training
  • P.C.LL.
  • J.D.
  • BSc (Cell and Molecular Biology), Simon Fraser University