John Wright Delivers Lecture on Life as a Barrister

On 28 July 2020, John Wright delivered a fascinating guest lecture on life as a criminal barrister entitled ‘A Criminal Law Barrister’s Reflections’ as part of the University of Law’s Speaker Series. John gave a unique insight from the perspective of a barrister of long standing in Hong Kong, who has seen many changes throughout his career.  The lecture was […]

Please Release Me… From Implied Undertakings Regarding Disclosed Documents

Article by Holden N. Slutsky The Harman undertaking, stemming from Home Office v Harman [1983] 1 AC 280, is an undertaking to Court implied by law not to use documents disclosed by one party to the other in any proceedings for an ulterior or collateral purpose. Moreover, an implied undertaking (known as the Taylor’s implied undertaking) extends the […]

Lecture: Money Laundering by John Reading 10/11/21

On Wednesday (10 November 2021) John Reading SC delivered via Zoom, his annual lecture on money laundering and the reporting of suspicious transactions, to the current PCLL class of the City University of Hong Kong.

Finding Nemo

Article by Michelle W. Cheung As in any other major financial city in the world, the business of money lending in Hong Kong is robust and thriving; so much so that multiple loans against the one property have been common, secured only by a contractual promise to repay. In the recent Court of Final Appeal decision […]